Občina Domžale ter ekipa proBakster prejela nagrado na Berlinskem turističnem festivalu The Golden City Gate

Občina Domžale ter ekipa produkcije Bakster sta prejeli bronasto priznanje The Golden City Gate, Berlin za prijavljeno turistično video vsebino The Place of Cheerful People v kategoriji City in sicer za turistično-predstavitveni film o občini Domžale. Razglasitev nagrad bi morala potekati v okviru svetovne turistične borze ITB Berlin, a je bila prireditev zaradi korona virusa žal odpovedana. Prejemniki nagrad so tako objavljeni na spletni strani The Golden City Gate.

Obširnješi članek si lahko preberete na spletni strani domzale.si. Prav tako pa so nas v članku omenili tudi na priznani spletni strani Slovenske turistične organizacije!

The Municipality of Domžale and the production Bakster team received a bronze award from The Golden City Gate, Berlin for the submitted tourism film The Place of Cheerful People in the City category for a tourist presentation film about the Municipality of Domžale. The awards were supposed to take place as part of the ITB Berlin global tourism fair, but the event was unfortunately cancelled due to the coronavirus. Recipients of the awards are published on the website of The Golden City Gate.

A more extensive article is reachable on the website domzale.si. We were also mentioned in the article on the renowned website of the Slovenian Tourist Board!


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