NAROČNIK: Carglass Švica
PRODUKCIJA: produkcija Bakster d.o.o.
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Produkcija Bakster Youtube
Leto 2020 je zagotovo nekaj posebnega za vse, tudi za ekipo proBakster. V letošnjem letu smo se zaradi svetovne epidemije družili s kolegi iz Carglass Švice le enkrat 🙁 Smo pa zato za njihovo televizijsko kampanjo adaptirali oglas in sicer v nemški in francoski različici.
CLIENT: Carglass Switzerland
PRODUCTION: produkcija Bakster d.o.o.
Produkcija Bakster Facebook
Produkcija Bakster Youtube
The year 2020 is definitely something special for everyone, including the proBakster team. Due to the global epidemic, we only hung out with colleagues from Carglass Switzerland once this year 🙁 We therefore adapted an ad for their TV campaign in German and French versions.